When we think of applying semi-permanent varnish, we think of a pretty manicure. Why do we neglect our little feet? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will show you the semi-permanent pedicure at home is possible. Just keep reading!
To make applying semi-permanent varnish easier, equip yourself with a toe separator. This small soft foam spacer ensures support and comfort. No more overlapping toes, falling out or having to start the same nail multiple times!
For applying nail polish, same procedure as for a manicure. We don’t skip any steps: the primer, the base coat, the color and the top coat. When it comes to color, there are two options: combine your manicure with your pedicure or create a real difference!
Feet need to be pampered just like hands. To perform a pedicure at home, don’t forget to invest in some professional manicure and pedicure sets to care for your nails.
Read also: How to choose nail polish color?